Ashley in the arms of her Grandma Eileen.
My grandma Eileen was a client of Linda Lukes at the Hairitage for over 35 years. She and Linda were good friends and my grandma had suggested numerous times that I go work for Linda, and eventually, take over her salon when she was ready to retire. I was living and working in the south at the time, so I didn’t think much of it, but she passed the idea along to my dad and got him to start pestering me about moving back. 

My grandma Eileen passed away in April of 2019 and Linda approached me about taking over the business that December. Some things had changed in my life, and I decided to move home and take the offer. Even though my grandma was not here to see it, I hope that she is proud that her idea is ultimately coming to fruition.
Grandma Eileen
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